Casa del Jaguar – Sanación con Ayahuasca y San Pedro

Master Shamans

Master Denis Montes, a chemical engineer by profession and a shaman by vocation with more than 13 years and more than 1,360 ceremonies of experience helping to heal with Mother Ayahuasca.

Mother Ayahuasca helped heal his emotional wounds and traumas, learn a little more about him


The role of the shaman is solely that of a spiritual intermediary [between-worlds mediator] who has been initiated by spirit and bestowed certain gifts such that he or she might be of service to humanity. The actual power for healing and transformation comes from spirit not the shaman.

The Role of the Shaman

Shamanism has been practiced in one form or another around the globe and throughout history with shamans acting as intermediaries between the natural world and the world of spirit. The term has a broad context and covers many spiritual traditions.

Most shamans are “called” by spirit to apprentice this healing art form. Though, in reality, this calling is more of a divine directive [the lives of would-be shamans can go awry if they don’t answer the call]. A shamanic aspirant must face grueling challenges and many tests before some form of spiritual initiation transforms the initiate and bestows his or her “Don” (spiritual gifts).

Years of disciplined training are then required for shamans to develop and master their gifts. Thereafter, shamans function as the spiritual mediators they have trained to become as they pursue their work in the ancient healing arts.

One cannot gauge what level of gifts or powers a shaman might possess by their age or cultural origin. Shamans are often chosen by spirit precisely because they have lived many lifetimes engaged in the shamanic arts. With proper training, they are able to resurrect their ancient skill sets in their present incarnation.

maloca ceremonial

Master Dan Reynolds

Master Dan Reynolds, left his life as a business administrator in the United States and came to the Peruvian Amazon jungle to continue with his life purpose and mission “to be a shaman”, trainer and coach in the shamanism of Master Denis Montes, who continues his legacy since Master Dan is no longer with us on this plane.